What future of Education?

2 min readOct 14, 2020

In response to the question of what I think I will be able to get out of the course — I think that I will be able to reflect on what possible future scenarios there may be in Education. Additionally, I expect that I will be able to gain added information on trends and updates about what is happening in the education sector globally. Because of the global migration to online or e-learning I think this course will be able to help me reflect about the best ways to serve students and engage them in this platform so as to optimise their learning. Also, I think it will me both personally and professionally to think of how I can grow/ develop as a person and as a teacher as this will definitely impact my teaching and ultimately the students I will encounter in my journey. I also think that what I will learn from this course is an appreciation of how teachers/ students worldwide can collaborate to have better insights and understanding about various aspects in the field of education.

As for ideas I already have about the future of education, looking at how teaching and learning is happening now in digital/ online platforms and the global circumstances that has pushed many nations whether developed or developing, I think that e-learning will continue to advance, taking over the more traditional ways of delivering content. I believe not only the ways content is delivered will be affected but also what content should be delivered. I realize that so many jobs that are presently existing or used to exist are now gone or have been replaced by those that did not exist even just a few years before. Many of these manual repetitive jobs can now be automated so that there is increasingly no need for humans to do them. Also, many jobs in developed nations have been outsourced to developing nations so this affects what kind of courses and what course content should be included in the program offerings of universities or institutions of higher education. I know then that many of the courses taught today should either be re-designed or completely changed/ replaced to make them more relevant not only for current industry needs but also for future. I think that both basic and higher education need to re-think their curriculum content so that these may be more relevant to the learners of today and of the future.




Educator, missions-minded, incessant traveler, writer